Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Never a Dull Moment

My wife. She'll tell you that she's not picky, she just "knows what she likes." She likes nuts but only certain kinds and never ever in baked goods. Don't even think about it. When she's really desperate or when it's a baked good that she particularly likes, she will squeeze or pinch the nuts out of it and set them aside. It's a messy affair but it gets the job done. Nuts in salad she likes but only certain types like the candied kind--but never walnuts. She Loathes walnuts. Cola has to be Coke NEVER Pepsi. One time we'd stopped at a fast food place that didn't have Coke so I got her Pepsi thinking that she wouldn't know the difference. Boy was I wrong. She took one sip, paused, took another, then looked at me like I just ran over our dog. I'll never make that mistake again. Cantaloupe? Yes. Honey Dew? Never. No watermelon either. (Who doesn't like watermelon?) Before we met I guess it was worse. She didn't eat pizza for several years because she got sick from pepperoni once. She ate chicken but never on the bone. She said it made her "gag". Wheat bread is ok but not multigrain. Those little crunchy seeds and things in there are too much like nuts.

She has these funny other little quirks too. She loves a good cheese burger for instance and there's a drive in burger joint in her home town that has been around forever. She must have been to this place dozens of times over the years and when we were dating she took me once. It was my first time and I wasn't sure what to order. There are at least ten different variations of a burger on the menu so I asked the expert which one was her favorite. "I don't know about the burgers, I always get the grilled cheese." This place is called BURGERVILLE by the way, the grilled cheese is just something they put on the menu for the occasional vegetarian that is foolhardy enough to dine there. It's world famous for it's burgers but my wife who, as I previously stated, loves burgers, has no idea how good they are because she has never had one. Not one! How strange is that?

Here's another good one. The rigors and stress associated with being a Realtor are, at times, almost too much for my wife so it's customary for me to make her a drink after a long day. She likes a good cosmopolitan which is traditionally served in a martini glass. Well, the other night after finishing her adult beverage, we moved on to wine with dinner. This is where it gets weird. Instead of getting up and getting a wine glass, she went ahead and poured that wine right into her martini glass like it was a perfectly normal thing to do. In all my years as a bartender, I had never seen wine in a martini glass before. I didn't know what to do. She just looked at me and shrugged as she took a careful sip and said, "See, tastes the same."

Now don't get me wrong, all of these quirks and peculiarities as crazy as they may seem are, oddly enough, endearing to me. Because just when I think I've got them all figured out, she throws another one into the mix just to keep me guessing. But that's one of the reasons we're so good together--never a dull moment.


  1. I love this!! You two are beautiful. ((hugs to you both))

  2. Nice work pete. You're a lucky man with such a wife.
